Autumn Newsletter 2021
Fall has arrived with its vibrant colors and crisp air, inviting us to slow down, to notice and relish the gifts of the season, like our island mushrooms. They have been offering quite a display and I have been loving the quirky varieties popping out of the earth and trees. They rise up suddenly in all their splendor and uniqueness, expressing themselves freely. Are we so lucky? Are you letting yourself be the full you in all your beauty, in spite of your quirks and foibles? Bronnie Ware, an Australian woman who worked with the dying, summarizes one of the most common regrets she encountered in her work like this:
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
That’s a sad recognition of how hard so many of us work to fit in, doing what we think is expected of us and not living the life that more truly reflects our full potential. Can you let yourself go? Feel the wind messing your hair, the cold water bringing goose bumps to your skin, listen to the birds singing and taking in the vibrant colors of the leaves or the mist and mystery of the early morning fog? Can you listen more carefully to what you feel called to bring forth? We all have unique gifts that need to shine. We all flub up, but we learn most from those errors. Allowing yourself to feel wholly with your heart, letting your heart lead, can lead to a life lived fully with fewer regrets. Stepping out of the rational head that drives the car and meandering the woods or back streets, listening more to the song in the heart will help lead us to be who we truly are. Are you up to the challenge of letting the real you shine? Can you afford not to?
Movement is health…That is my mantra.
Walking, dancing, swimming, biking, tennis, golf, skiing, yoga, tai chi and so much more, are all unique expressions of our bodies’ need to move. Yoga has become my path to full expression - combining the breath with the heart and spirit of movement, allowing me to find calm and balance. However, yoga is just one form (combining many forms) of expression - how do you freely move to manifest the full you?
Activities with Healing Motion
Tai Chi meets at the Madeline Island Library Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30a.m.
We have mastered the 24 forms. This winter we will be moving to new expressions working with Paul Lam’s “T’ai Chi for Arthritis” program proven to relieve pain and improve health and balance.
One Tai Chi participant recently stated that she feels that Tai Chi is having the welcomed benefit of her feeling more calm during the practice and throughout her day.
Come and feel the calm, enjoy the community and the synchronous dance of movement in the form of Tai Chi. It is good for balance, mental focus and all the joints. Besides it’s just fun! All are welcome and we work with all newcomers.
Sunrise Yoga meets at the Madeline Island Library Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. and on Zoom
Meeting ID: 851 2194 9114
Password: Island
Donation: A minimal donation of $5.00 is requested, as it is nice to honor the value of the sharing. Most importantly, I want to share the practice of yoga with you and don’t want payment to be an impediment to your practicing so please contact me if there is a concern.
Venmo: Marnie-Myhre
Check: Marnie Myhre - PO Box 497 - LaPointe, WI - 54850
I will have punch card below to purchase or you can copy and paste this one to keep track of your sessions.