Wellness Offerings

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Therapeutic Massage

Come to relax and receive the gifts from a trained massage therapist to work on those tight muscles and painful areas.

Wellness Consultation

I offer natural solutions to address the symptoms of stress that manifest as chronic pain, musculoskeletal issues, limited mobility, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression to name a few. These effective, holistic solutions which may involve exercise, Ayurveda/nutrition, meditation, and better sleep are tailored to the needs of each individual.

Set up a wellness consultation to address your specific concerns. These are private 1-1½ hour sessions either in person or in an online Zoom session.


Energy Healing

I provide energy healing, Healing Touch or Reiki, a deeply relaxing therapy that taps into the body’s energy system to promote the body’s natural healing process. Energy healing sessions promote the natural and balanced flow of individual energy, beneficial in promoting and encouraging natural healing to occur.



Twenty years ago, meditation, for most people, was a bit of a mystery. Today, thousands of scientific studies have established its benefits, and few people are unaware. The Mayo Clinic website reports that meditation can be an effective treatment for anxiety, asthma, cancer, chronic pain, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep problems, and tension headaches, quite a list! Tai Chi and Yoga, by the way, are forms of moving meditation.  

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of meditation and exploring a practice, contact me to set up your individual session or see below for Youtube videos of guided meditations.


Looking for assistance in meditation? Check out the videos below to help guide your practice.

Join Marnie of Healing Motion for a full body scan meditation.