
Yoga on the water-2 with quote.jpg

Class Descriptions

Class times on Calendar


The mind/body practices of yoga (from postural and breathing exercises to relaxation, meditation and I-Rest) facilitate healing in an individual. Research has proven that yoga is excellent for addressing many chronic conditions such as musculoskeletal issues, cardiovascular disease, and depression to name a few. Yoga empowers individuals to find balance and wholeness, leading to healing.

Laughter Yoga

Besides being loads of fun, there are many health benefits to laughter: boosts the immune system, increases the flow of oxygens, lowers blood pressure, reduces depression and anxiety.  Who would have thought!  This can be done sitting or standing.  Schedule a private session with friends and family and laugh! 

“Laughter is like mental floss.  It clears the cobwebs of our minds”

Yoga for Every Body

Yoga for Every Body is a wonderful way to greet the day or wind down after a busy day.  Marnie’s practice is gentle flow with a few challenging postures worked in with modifications suggested and encouraged.  Marnie offers the morning practice live and on zoom.  

Cost: $18 or 10 sessions for $150.

Gentle Movement for Pain

Dealing with chronic pain of your back or neck, knee or shoulder?  Motion is lotion! Come to gently move pain-free and learn techniques to deal with your pain.

Cost: $18 or 10 sessions for $150.

Private sessions available upon request

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese practice that is based in the martial arts. It is a form of exercise that involves slow movements, deep breaths and concentration.

There are many physical and emotional benefits of Tai Chi that improve your overall health and well-being, and this has been supported by research. A few of these are:  live longer, improve muscle strength, improve balance and flexibility, boost cognitive function, improve night-time sleep quality, reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, decrease anxiety and depression, and reduce pain from arthritis.

I offer Tai Chi classes regularly on Madeline Island at the Madeline Island Library, which can be found on my calendar here.


Come and settle your mind and be present in the moment. Meditation promotes physical and emotional wellness in multiple ways with  improved sleep, anxiety and stress relief, reduced pain and chronic pain, and improved focus to name a few.

Story and Sound Healing

Join Maureen Muldoon for an hour of sound healing, journaling prompts, and chanting. This weekly wellness workshop will help you connect with your voice, your truth, and your own enChanting stories. 

Cost: $18 or 10 sessions for $150 

Guided Meditation

Come and settle your mind and be present in the moment. Marnie will lead you in guided meditation to help you ease into mindfulness.  Meditation promotes physical and emotional wellness in multiple ways with  improved sleep, anxiety and stress relief, reduced pain and chronic pain, and improved focus to name a few.  Donation based. Sound Meditation

If you are looking for a way to relieve stress and improve your mental and physical well-being, come experience sound healing. Maureen Muldoon will have gentle movement, followed by a gong bath. This is a beautiful way to relax, relieve stress, and connect with your peace. Donation based.

Meditation with a Vibe

Come join Nate and Hilary Nelson for community and meditation with different frequencies and sounds.  Nate found benefit in this new focus on mindfulness.  The time in meditation is 15-30 minutes with open time for conversation. Donation based.

Strengthening and Stretching

Madeline Sneakers

A little strengthening, a little aerobic work, a little stretching, a little balance work and a lot of fun.  Join Ruth Ann Teisberg for a lot of fun with good music and a good heart.  A little of this and that to ease into shape and improve your balance. On hold until the fall. Donation based.

Strengthening and Stretching

Bolster your strength and balance with weights and a core workout with Marnie.  Maintain muscle mass that diminishes with age, starting at age 30.  Hand in hand with strengthening is stretching and balance.  Come and be ready to workout!   Cost: $18 or 10 sessions for $150.

Massage • Energy Healing • Meditation • Wellness Consultation ➞